Super Mario Bros 3 Level Maps. Super Mario Brothers 3 World 71 Nintendo NES Map Super and Mega-jumps can be achieved while standing still, running or turbo running (holding down button B) The primary feature of each world are the regular stages, which are marked with a level number.
Mario World Map from
There is also a special Fire Bro's level which can be unlocked by using a hammer on the rock at the upper right of the screen, beating the Fire Bros will then get you a warp whistle From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki < Super Mario Bros
Mario World Map
There are certain enemies which are pretty much exclusive to this land to be. Match Game Creator: Rick Bruns Treasure Ship Creator: Rick Bruns World 1 Creator: KeyBlade999 World 1 1-1 Creator: Rick Bruns World 1 1-2 Creator: Rick Bruns From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki < Super Mario Bros
New Super Mario Bros Level Maps. Super jumps let you jump better--the effect is especially noticeable when turbo running 3 there are more warps, more chances at extra lives, and new special suits! The raccoon suit lets you fly and knock out blocks.
My opinion on Mario 3D All Stars after I just did a 100 run r. There is also a special Fire Bro's level which can be unlocked by using a hammer on the rock at the upper right of the screen, beating the Fire Bros will then get you a warp whistle Here is a full list of backgrounds and game maps for Super Mario Bros 3 from Super Mario All stars on the snes! Mushroom House: 288 x 432: Match Game: 768 x 592: Treasure Ship: 1104 x 448: World.